Family is a detective game, but one that investigates the music scene: a (fictional) group of bands that blossomed in London in the 1980s, their members forming and splitting, coming together and falling out. You will discover forgotten pieces of history and celebrate the players who appear in them. You listen to the fictional band's great songs. [snippets of recent radio shows, snippets of articles about the bands, some hints in the band descriptions and in the songs themselves (well-produced and compelling songs for each of the nine bands are included and can be listened to at any time).
You are trying to match faces to names and assign identities to each of the musicians in the pop scene bands. It's enough to steer you in the right direction. With a little guesswork and a lot of deduction, I have succeeded in assembling this pot history. It is clearly born out of a love and deep understanding of indie music and a bygone era of music journalism.
The family is great, that's all I'm saying. And it's free; if the words "NME" and "Melody Maker" aren't just meaningless noise, you should play it. (Thanks, IndieGamesPlus)