This Minecraft rendition of Metroid Fusion is very impressive.

This Minecraft rendition of Metroid Fusion is very impressive.

Recreating old games in Minecraft is nothing new. Someone completed Pokemon Red a few years ago, and it is even possible to create a BASIC interpreter. This is because we are currently in the process of recreating the Game Boy Advance platformer Metroid Fusion.

This is the recreation above, and at first it feels like you are watching standard gameplay footage of the original game. However, after 30 seconds, the Minecraft player character actually jumps away from the in-world big screen showing the old game in action.

"The system now has a smooth camera, player physics, sprites, and background animations working," Nyubug wrote on reddit." We tried to keep it as close to the original game as possible." A custom vanilla shader system was used to recreate the game "using spectate mode shaders and resource packs," although no mods were implemented.

Witnessing the magic of the community's creations is one of the best parts of Minecraft. For example For example, Ushio Tokura's in-game sculptures are truly breathtaking.
